Tuesday, September 13, 2011

LAZINESS - Learn from David

Do you wish to know God? Read the BIBLE

The story of David and Beersheba: 

Some people might argue that, the main issue or topic or even moral lesson about SEX or LUST. However, the main moral issue here is more on – as I reflected on and related to what our professor on Historical Books mention – is LAZINESS. As a king, David supposed to go for war and lead his army to defend his kingdom but from morning until night, he just enjoyed his life by sleeping while his armies were fighting against the enemy. Beersheba was bathing in the pool after her menstruation period. In this time, it was not a normal bathing but special bathing which special for God, the bathing of purification, being holy again for God. David saw her and took her to his room, it means that David takes out or even forbade the purification ritual which a sacred ritual for God, he took her, and at the same time he took away God.
The lesson for me: LAZINESS CAN BE A CAUSE OF EVERY SINS. KEEP YOURSELF BUSY AND THE DEVIL WILL BE UPSET. Don Bosco said: I WILL REST, IF THE DEVIL REST. Thank you Lord. May I be always busy with your “heavenly business”.